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Your Vote, Your Voice

Available Now!



The inspiration behind this Cabaret was precisely that, inspiration. To inspire people to take back their constitutional right to vote. To speak out and let themselves be heard and change a system that, for so long, has been broken. So without further ado let’s start the show!

Your Vote, Your Voice
Your Vote, Your Voice

Time & Location

Available Now!


About the event

Welcome to our first-ever Cabaret For A Cause: Your Vote Your Voice! This cabaret focuses on why it is so critical that we, as Americans, utilize our right to vote. How often do you feel unheard? So many in this country are failed by a system that was not created with them in mind, while others live with their fundamental human rights in jeopardy. Voting for representatives who will fight for you and the causes you believe in is one of the easiest and most effective ways to change that. Here at Cabarets For A Cause, we want to inspire you to take back your voice. Your vote DOES matter! Now sit back, and enjoy the show!

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